Get Edge-style notifications about incoming phone calls on any Android deviceThe Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge came with an innovative way of displaying notifications - illuminating the bevelled edge along the side of the screen. Now even if you don’t have an S6 Edge, you can still get a taster of this Edge display using the Edge Color Notifications app.
The drawback is that no device other than the S6 Edge has that bevelled edge, so the app compensates by illuminating the edges of your screen with animations instead. You can also assign specific colours to your important contacts, so you can see who’s calling at a glance. You can even tell the app to reserve animations for the contacts you’ve assigned a colour to, so if you see an Edge-style notification, you’ll know someone important is calling!
1. Enable settings
Download the Edge Color Notifications app from the Play store and launch the app. To set up Edge Color Notifications, open the side menu and select Home. Enable both the People Edge and Phonecall notification options. Open the side menu and select Phone Call Settings.
2. Customise Your Columns
You can customise the Edge effects for when you receive a phone call. This includes changing the width of the animated columns (so the effect is more noticeable or subtle) and changing the column’s default colour. You can also choose from a list of animations.
3. Left, Right Or Both
One of the most important changes you can make is choosing which side of the screen your animations will appear: left, right or both. If you select the Full Border animation, your columns appear around every side of the screen, regardless of what you select here.
4. Assign specific colours
By default, Edge Color Notifications will apply the same colour to every single person in your contact lists, but you’ll usually get more value out of the app by assigning specific colours to people. To do this, open the side menu and select Contacts Colors.
5. Choose a new colour
You’ll see a list of all your contacts, with the same default colour next to each contact. To assign someone their own colour, tap the block of colour that appears next to their name and choose a new colour from the pop-up that appears. Tap OK to save your changes.
6. Be Selective
Once you’ve finished assigning colours, you can restrict Edge Colour so that it only displays the Edge animations for contacts that you’ve assigned a specific colour to. If this is the case, return to Phone Call Settings and select Only show contacts with specific color set.
Enjoy your Edge notification Style device...
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