Recently Samsung has released the two new devices called Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch. Also Samsung has revealed the information like both smart devices will be available on sale starting from September 25 across the globe nearly 140 countries.Also Samsung added that India also one of the country within 140 country release as well as India is the first country Samsung going to start sale on this product.
Also the new smart devices coming with 1.9GHz Exynos 5 octa powered processor as added.This smartphone comes with 3G version.Also The new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 comes with 5.7-inch wider screen with really good screen with AMOLED 1080p resolution.
It runs with Android 4.3 software version as well as 3GB of RAM has attached to the fastest access.The power of battery life will be 3200mAh. Also Samsung is planning to release the 32GB of storage variant as of now as well as there is no official source of information about the 62GB of Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
The new Samsung Galaxy note 3 and Samsung Galaxy Gear comes for the price tag of $299.The price in India for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is around Rs.20000
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