Panasonice another variant of dual-SIM called T11.This smartphone also comes with powerful features and specification in India. This smartphone also comes with 4-inch WVGA display, Android 4.1, 1.2GHz Snapdragon 200 quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, 4GB of storage, 5MP rear camera, front camera, and 1500 mAh battery.
On the other hand, P11 packs a 5-inch 720p HD display, 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, 2000 mAh battery, Android 4.1, 8MP rear camera and 2MP front camera.Panasonic P11 and T11 have been priced at INR 16,490 and INR 9,790 respectively and are already available in the country.
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