OnTheEdgeLite V3.5 The Smallest Touchwiz ROM ONLY 1,20GB in size.
Its Based on N930FXXU1BPI7latest Stock Base Fully Debloated and Deodexed Rom.
With The fast all New Touchwiz UX and close to stock feel this is the most fastest and stable fully Featured Rom..Yet.
There are a lot of plans, for this rom but first we want you to test it as much as possible.
Feedback is appreciated!.
* Whole Download is 1,10GBin size [SLIM]
* Based off N930FXXU1BPI7[Latest Base]
* OTA Updater
* Debloated
* System Optimizations
* Super-Su
* Deknoxed
* Advanced Reboot Menu
* All Apps Split Windows
* Non-Removeable notifications Can be Removed from Notification-Drawer
* FULL Note 7 port
*Jesse kernel
* Better Stability & Performance

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