الاثنين، 15 أكتوبر 2012

Padfone 2 expected to be launched next week By ASUS.

ASUS is one of the much branded device maker now a days like ASUS has released the new tablet and slim ultrabook as well as Google  they are making the product which is mostly liked by users all over the world.Now ASUS is invited every one for event which is going to conduct on October 16th for the PadFone 2 release.Also before release the ASUS Padfone 2 the picture of the Padfone 2 image has been published in Twitter page of ASUS director Shen.Also this new PadFone comes with 4.7-inch HD display screen as well as this new padfone comes with quad core processor.

The camera feature it has 13MP main camera enabled on back side PadFone.Also there is doc attached at the back side of this padFone.Also in this doc we can keep Padfone safely.Actually ASUS has released its PadFone earlier version has launched in India very recently.Actually in India this padFone cost around Rs.64,999.Also next week ASUS is planning to release thier upcoming PadFone 2 world wide.Also every one is eagerly waiting for their new PadFone model.

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