الثلاثاء، 16 أكتوبر 2012

Jelly bean update for Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S rolled out.

Actually now all the Samsung's new smartphone got the Jelly bean update.Actually now Jelly bean that is Android 4.1 has been rolled out for the Samsung much famous smartphone Galaxy S and Galaxy Nexus.The version is 4.1.2 which is really advanced version.Actually today most of the users got the update of Jelly bean through the OTA update.This update has not brings any additional  or notable features every thing is similar as Jelly bean features and Samsung has not included any features on top of Jelly bean version update. Actually all the Galaxy Nexus GSM owners has got this update already.But the CDMA version of Galaxy Nexus has not got any update.So if any owners got Jelly bean update for CDMA ping here.

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