السبت، 30 أبريل 2016

Add iPhone’s 3D and Force Touch functionality to your smartphone or tablet screen

Your typical Android device registers several touch events, including taps, presses, long- presses and swipes. However, Apple's latest iPhone S cycle takes this one step further, with the introduction of 3D Touch. 3D touch measures the pressure of each touch event, and performs different levels of action depending on how firmly you press. If this sounds pretty similar to Apple’s Force touch, it’s because it is – 3D touch is just designed to have more levels of pressure sensitivity than touch. some apps are starting to bring 3-D like functionality to Android users, most notably Instagram’s Android app, which allows users to zoom in on an image by long pressing its thumbnail. But if you want to implement this pressure-sensitivity across your entire Android device, you now can thanks to a new Xposed module. The Force Touch module lets you add several new types of touch event to your Android device, from pressing the pad of your thumb against the screen, to long pressing and then wiggling your finger. You then assign tasks to each of these new touch events, from launching a particular app to turning your device’s volume up, or calling a favourite contact. In true Apple style, you can also specify the pressure you need to apply to the screen in order to trigger each of these new touch events. It can act as an easy way of accessing your device’s most-used functions.

1. Lollipop or Marshmallow?

If you’re on Lollipop or Marshmallow, go to bit.ly/1DLOwEr, download the Xposed Installer and correct xposed-v*-sdk*-*.zip for your device. Boot into recovery and flash the xposed-v*-sdk zip. Reboot your device. Navigate to Downloads and follow the instructions to install.

2. For earlier versions

If you’re running an earlier version of Android, go to repo.xposed.info/module/de.robv.android.xposed.installer and download the Xposed Installer. Use a file browser to navigate to the downloaded file, tap it and follow the on-screen instructions to install. Reboot.

3. Install The Module

Open Xposed Installer, tap Download and then Force Touch Detector. Swipe to the Versions tab and download the latest version. Tap Install followed by Open. Read the disclaimer and then tap the ‘Permit drawing…’ slider so that it’s in the On position.

4. Enable the module

Relaunch Xposed Installer. Open the Modules section, then tap to enable Force Touch Detector. Reboot your device and then open the Force Touch Detector app. In the main menu, you can enable the different Touch options and assign actions to them.

5. Enable Force Touch

Tap Force Touch and enable it by tapping Master Switch. A Force Touch is where you firmly press your thumb flat against the screen. Tell the app which action it should perform when it detects a Force Touch, by selecting Tap and then choosing from the menu.

6. Set a threshold

Choose from Tools, Apps, or Shortcuts: for example, you could relaunch the last app whenever your press your thumb against the screen. After selecting an action, tap Threshold and use the grey areas to test different levels of force you’ll need to apply before your device registers a Force Touch.

7. Test Force Touch

Alternatively, you can set the pressure threshold directly. After setting this threshold completely close the app, as having it open prevents your device from registering Force Touch events. Press your thumb flat against the screen. Your device should register this as a Force Touch and react accordingly.

8. Knuckle Touch

There are several additional touch events you can add through Force Touch. Knuckle Touch is where you lightly rap your knuckle against the screen. To start using this touch event, tap Knuckle Touch followed by Master Switch. Set Tap and then choose which action you want to perform.

9. Wiggle Touch

Return to the main Force Touch Detector menu and tap Wiggle Touch. This kind of touch event occurs when you press your finger against the screen and then move it around without releasing. To start using Wiggle Touch, tap Master Switch and then choose the action you want to perform.

10. Recover your device

While experimenting with different actions you may lose the ability to perform normal touch events, making navigation difficult. If this happens, tap the permanent Force Touch notification. This launches the app, so change your settings and make your device usable again.

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