الاثنين، 28 سبتمبر 2015

Downgrade iOS 9 to iOS 8.4.1

On September 16,2015 Apple has released a new iOS version that is iOS 9 . The couple of enhancements and improvments were updated to iOS 9 via Apple Devs and this appears cool when iOS users have updated their iDevices to iOS 9.

some users have been just waiting for iOS 9 New Ver because of addition of new emojis like that if center finger emoji and plenty of others. Such Users just updated their iDevice simply to get those new emojis however apple have now not added these emojis in iOS 9 however added them to iOS 9.1 that's below trying out by public and developers.

There who wanna downgrade iOS 9.x.x to iOS 8.4.1 they could do it possible just until Apple is signing iOS 8.4.1 . After un-signing the downgrade will now not be availabele . So if you wanna ask a way to Downgrade iOS 9 to iOS 8.4.1 simply follow the given steps and you'll be performed with downgrade.

Instructions :

Download iOS 8.4.1 IPSW for your device from here
Connect your iDevice with PC
Put your iPhone in DFU Mode. Click here for steps to Put device in DFU Mode
Open iTunes and read the pop-up related to recovery mode
Hold the Shift key (For windows users) and click restore button on iTunes
Browse the downloaded iOS 8.4.1 IPSW file
Wait for extraction and installation
Downgrade will be done and your device will be automatically turn to on

Note :-  Before downgrading must make a back-up of your idevice and also check that you are using the latest version of iTunes, if not then update your iTunes first and it is recommended also

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