The electronic giant Samsung has launched new smartphone In India market which is comes with flip type. The new Samsung Galaxy Golden Android flip phone comes with price tag of Rs.51,900 INR.Now its available in all the retailers store.Actually it has announced in the August at South Korea. Samsung has introduced this Golden model Korean and now at India.This smartphone comes with 3.7-inch wider display screen with AMOLED display.Also it has run with 1.7GHz processor with dual core capacity.
The new smartphone also has the camera features like 8MP rear camera with 1.9MP front facing camera as well.This smartphone has the 1820mAh battery power.This smartphone has internal FM radio with Android 4.2 OS which is running fastest RAM of 1.5Gb and it has internal storage variant of 16Gb.This is one of the newest smartphone in the flip market.
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