الخميس، 6 سبتمبر 2012

TVCatchup Application beta version available on Google Play Store now.

TVCatchup is the UK streaming services and giving video and channel streaming to all the companion devices in UK through their most innovated app called TVCatchup.Now the UK streaming application TVCatchup has come into the Google Play store after succesfully crossed their beta test version.This application allows lots of Free-To-Air channels streaming over the website and we can watch the same on companion devices using this application.To avail this facility we have to be in UK other countries citizen can't view this streaming services.

Also the person who are in UK are most eligible to download this application.Because this application completely streaming UK based FTA  channels over the ISP and mobile network.Also if anybody wants to view the live broadcast the appropriate license should be used.This  application is available now to download in Google Play for UK based people.

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