الثلاثاء، 18 سبتمبر 2012

Google's another Acquisition.

Google has make lot of acquisitions but this acquistion is important because recently we comes to know that in alexa world wide ranking Google is coming to second place and facebook got first place.So Google planning to get the social network features from different sources.Now Google has acquire the Nik Software which is famous software company for providing the capture NX and its effect for the next generation devices and they have good technology to enable this.Also Nik's the smartest image tool for all the desktop variants and other iOS device can make utiltiy this features.Also both company VP's are maintaine the silent for this deal.But still there is no official confirmation where Google will use their technology and services. Now Google will give over the Android smartphone will give the heat to instagram.Also Google now giving photo uploading features like instagram for Google plus users and now Nik technology will solve the technology gap between their photo sharing apps on Google plus.

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