الثلاثاء، 14 فبراير 2012

Download Leaked OS for Bold 4 9790 Free.

Sometime early this year, BlackBerry were working on updating the Operating System for 9790 aka Bold 4 from the default OS 7.0 to OS which intend to have the following features according to GSMARENA.COM , Wi-Fi enabled calling, NFC tagging, Mobile Hotspot and FM radio support among other improvements. Also updated are various BlackBerry apps, such as Messenger, Traffic, Maps and Travel.

Until now, only the Bold 9900/9930, the Torch 9810/9850/9860, and the Curve 9350/9360/9370 have had official 7.1 builds.

Atleast now the Bold 4 users can now have a feel of the Bold 5 yea.

Click Here to Download the Leaked OS for Bold 9790

*Warning! Installing this Leak is at your own risk and also always backup before Installing new OS.

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