*Operamini : Opera!( You guessed right )You would agree with me that this is the greatest of all in the aspect of mobile web browsing, its fast in web surfing, accumulates little bytes from your data plan giving you more web experience with little bytes taken.Brief history, OperaMini was officially released in January 24 2006,it now has over 113.5 million users world wide receiving 2 billion page views daily from 50 million active users daily, no doubts its the number one App when it comes to surfing the internet, reading mails or even checking lives scores on the go on your phone, with a rear network bar on your phone you can always be sure you won't hassle to get on the web.(Just a little secret even your network provider recommends it.
Download Operamini
*Boltbrowser : Another Top mobile app, that gives you that special web feeling of being on the WWW(world wide web) like being on a Pc.You probably might say OPERAMINI can do the same, yes you're right but its not like BOLT because Boltbrowser views any link or web address you type, like you're on a PC automatically, funny enough if you type m.example.com on Boltbrowser it will redirect you to a web version unlike OPERA which automatically sets your link to mobile, unless the webpage you are viewing is not mobile enabled.3 Reasons you need this AppLIGHTNING FAST MOBILE BROWSING: Loads complete web pages in seconds Patented navigation and display technologies get you where you're going faster WATCH. CONNECT. SURF. View streaming flash or HTML5 videos from sites like YouTube, Facebook and MTV.UNCOMPROMISED WEB EXPERIENCE Full desktop PC-style browsing on all types of mobile phones Run Web-based applications, like Mafia Wars and Google Docs Web content is never reformatted, repurposed, or removed Browse any site with the best page rendering available
*UCbrowser: In our own words this is also one of the best mobile apps for mobile phones base on the fact that your downloading experience can never be the same. This app was built for Download freaks(apparently) who can't set their eyes on any content on the internet but to download it. If you're looking for a mobile alternative of one of those best PC Downloading software like IDA(Internet Download Accelerator), IDM(Internet Download Manager) you can bet on UCbrowser. Amazing Traffic ReductionAdvanced compression technology can reduce data costs by up to 85%, making mobile surfing much cheaper. Lighting Surfing SpeedAdvanced Cloud Computing technology makes browsing faster and more stable than ever. Powerful Download ManagerSuper download manager supports multitask downloads and .task recovery when interruption occurred.Site NavigationHundreds of categorized popular web sites are showed in the navigation bar, all you need to do is just ONE click! Multi-tabsAllowing you switch between pages easily and giving you better browsing experience plus its compatible with all Blackberry phones.
*Drivesafe.ly pro: Drivesafe.ly pro is an application built for all Blackberry users to enable them read their text messages with out viewing it. Are you tired of reading that new text that just came into your phone then this app is great for you and its Bis and wifi enabled. And as you all know Blackberry is giving this app for FREE just to thank you their customer for being with them all the while, plus a customer database of over 70million users world wide this is just a token way RIM has chosen to bless you.
To download this App go to AppWorld then Download for Free.
*Ubersocial: Could what is Ubersocial be running through your mind? Well don't get lost here's a brief info about it. Ubersocial is a twitter app for tweeting,reading feeds streamline, sending DM's, doing those things you normally do on the normal twitter app for Blackberry in a special and unique way, and it gives that feeling of vibes when tweeting coz the interface is very good looking you can't get bored tweeting.
Download Ubersocial from Appworld.
*CrunchSMS: A platform made for sending FREE SMS world wide yes I said FREE coz its absolutely FREE. So if you don't have credit on your phone and you need to send that urgent SMS to that business partner or Loved one, then this app is ready for that.Please note this app has so much advantage but not too much disadvantage and the disadvantage it has is, if your not on a Blackberry plan like Bis or Wifi then your wasting your time waiting for that message to send and also its FREE for one week then after one week it sends any message you type with an advert at the end of the text, pretty cool init :)(I guess as much)
To download this app FREE go to AppWorld
*Tunein Radio: Are you tired of listening to those songs on your Memory Cards, playing all over again? Then Tunein Radio should be the next music player for you. This app has over 50000+ online radio stations plus local stations from Hiphop to RnB, Old skool to New skool including Religious station.Tunein Radio is enabled with BIS,BES and Wifi connections plus you can choose your streaming mode from 32kbps to 512kbps of streaming speed depending on your Network Carrier, I really can't tell you how great this app is and how much you would appreciate this app because its FREE and GUI(Graphics User Interface) friendly. Much has been said now its time to try this app.
Download Tunein Radio (OTA) http://m.tunein.com
*Smarter App(Youtube player Blackberry Only) : Smarter App is a Youtube player which streams videos from Youtube and plays it on your Blackberry just like the way you watch it on you PC. Inclusive this app allows you to sign in to your Youtube account, upload videos, stream Videos and more all you gotta do is just download and install it on your Blackberry plus its FREE and available to 4.7 OS and above only.
To download Smarter App goto Appworld on your Blackberry
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