الاثنين، 21 ديسمبر 2015

Control your Smartphones Notifications LED Lights

The new Nexus phones have LEDs for notifications. You can make them more useful using Light Flow......

Light Flow requires notifications access, Which can be privacy risk. Its okay here, but you shouldn't grant the permission unless you absolutely trust app

1. Get started

For some reason the LED is turned off by default. Turn it on by going to Settings>Sound & notification and tapping Pulse notification light. Next head to the Google Play store and download the Light Flow app.

2. Grant root permissions

Light Flow works with or without root permissions, but it is definitely more powerful with root. You can enable this in Device Settings and Root in the settings area for the Light Flow app. Grant them when prompted.

3. Set up an app

Go into Settings and Enable the Light Flow app. Next tap the + icon in the bottom-right corner. Walk through the steps that appear in order on your screen, picking an app then assigning a colour for the light as desired.

4. Sounds and more

Light Flow isn’t just limited to the LED. You can add different sounds and vibration patterns to  all your apps as well. Ideally you can set it so you know which app a notification has come from without touching the phone.

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