HP recently launched new smartphone in the Indian Market and followed it has planning to release the new smart tablet which is coming to India soon.The new tablet called HP Slate 7 which is coming with new 7-inch wider screen display as well as it has carry with latest configuration and features.This news has released from HP product director at the Tech2 event held in India.The new tablet expected price range of Rs.12,000 to Rs.14,000.
Actually HP slate 7 has already released world wide on last February.The features are like it has 7-inch wider screen display with 1024x600p resolution pixel density.Also for the fastest access this smart tablet comes with 1.6GHz processor speed with dual core power.
This tablet has new Android version 4.1.When we look at the storage it has 8GB of internal storage and it has comes with Beats Audio features also for fastest data access it has 1GB of RAM.The HP slate 7 was originally launched with price tag of $169.99 at US.The HP slate 7 price in India around Rs.12,000 to 14,000.
Actually HP slate 7 has already released world wide on last February.The features are like it has 7-inch wider screen display with 1024x600p resolution pixel density.Also for the fastest access this smart tablet comes with 1.6GHz processor speed with dual core power.
This tablet has new Android version 4.1.When we look at the storage it has 8GB of internal storage and it has comes with Beats Audio features also for fastest data access it has 1GB of RAM.The HP slate 7 was originally launched with price tag of $169.99 at US.The HP slate 7 price in India around Rs.12,000 to 14,000.
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