الأربعاء، 7 نوفمبر 2012

LTE network arrived to market from Bluegrass Cellular Networks.

Bluegrass Cellular networks now started to rolling out the new 4G LTE network tie up with Verizon.Now in the US market most of the wireless carrier has reached LTE network to the customer.Already AT&T and Sprint has rolled out the LTE network long back.Now BlueGrass Cellular has given the LTE network in the Rural area of America as well.Also the BlueGrass LTE has provided along with Verizon network.

Also Bluegrass looking forward for the connection around 348,000 in Cities like Bowling Green, Glasgow, Radcliff, Bardstown and Elizabethtown.Also Bluegrass is provides the LTE network speed in 12Mbps downgrad and 5Mbps upgrade.Also the ultimate plan for Bluegrass is to bring the LTE network across all the cities in US as said to media like "will continue to expand 4G LTE to additional areas in 2013.

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