الاثنين، 27 أغسطس 2012

Jelly Bean leaked for T-Mobile version of Samsung Galaxy S3.

Now Samsung got the heat from Apple after they have lost their case in California court.But still Samsung is working interestingly in all type of smartphone releases and their update as well.Now Samsung Galaxy S 3 Jelly Bean Android 4.1 has leaked for the US carrier T-Mobile version.Now all the T-Mobile device Samsung Galaxy S3 owners can get this update through the stock and flash the jelly bean used on stock.Now if you don't have the stock on your mobile just download and install the stock ROM because this is the base to install this Jelly bean on Galaxy S3.Now just download the OTA update which is launched by the T-Mobile.The next step just apple the zip recovery mode in the menu and the download once completed
properly then install it and enjoy with latest version of Android Jelly Bean on World most sold smartphone Galaxy S3.

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