الأحد، 21 أغسطس 2011

Leaked OS 7 build for Curve 9350 & 9370 Download Link.

9350 9370 700100 Leaked: OS for BlackBerry Curve 9350 & 9370

We saw a few OS 6.1 builds hit for the 9810 and 9900, but now the first OS 7 build has dropped. OS has hit for the Curve 9350 and 9370 Sedona/Apollo. There is also the same build lurking out there for a 9360. This is the first confirmation that we’ve had for model numbers on the next generation Curve. Guess we’ll know what is inside soon enough once the hybriders rip this OS to pieces. Hit the break to download.

Download 9350 & 9370 OS

Thanks to N4bb

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